Noom Week 6

I made it through the 4th of July celebrations without making poor food choices. I hosted the party and supplied plenty of fruits and vegetables. This made it easy for me to not pig out on the sides brought by family members – potato salad, cake, ice cream.

I’m down 12 pounds and I’m back into a lot of summer clothes that didn’t fit me at the beginning of June. This is a big win for me! Thanks Noom!

Now, I’m just worried as we head out of town for a vacation that my progress might be at a standstill this upcoming week. I’m not worried about getting my steps in, but eating out for a lot of meals for a week. I guess this is the opportunity to really practice portion control. I’ll keep logging in my meals and water and just wish for the best!


Hello there! I’m a mother of 3. A wife of 28 years and counting. I’m one of four daughters. I’ve been a regular elementary classroom teacher, school counselor and special education teacher. I’ve been working for Davis School District for over 28 years. I live in Layton, Utah. I love hunting down and finding the right dress to wear.

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